2014년 6월 18일 수요일


A slave stabs master’s back in an unguarded moment!

Your Mahesty, your love for him is overdone!
At this rate it is apprehended that he will do a dangerous action for your love!

The slave who planned this revolt is also guaranteed by his master!
But, how is the result?

Please tell him the right action as a slave,

order him to stay away from the princess!
And make a hole in his ankle not to do martial arts...!

That does it! You’re saying I can’t handle my slave?!
Pay less attention to my slave, and more attention to state affairs!

Your Majesty! Your Majesty!

The whole country is in turmoil for this revolt


Why not run away?

But All that I love are in here.

Thea, deiphobus is saying on his own judgement without telling my father.

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